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Mycoplasma Genitalium

Healthcare for Women, LLC -  - OB-GYN

Healthcare for Women, LLC

OB-GYN located in Near West Suburbs of Chicago, Oak Park, IL

Mycoplasma genitalium (Mgen) is a sexually transmitted bacterium that can cause reproductive tract infections of the penile urethra or cervix. Here are some key factors about Mgen:


1. Prevalence:

  • The 2017-2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey estimates an overall prevalence of urogenital Mgen to be 1.7% among people aged 14-59 years in the United States. This prevalence is similar between males (1.8%) and females (1.7%).
  • Among men presenting with urethritis in select STI clinics, 28.7% were positive for Mgen.
  • In women presentin in an STI clinic in Seattle, 26% had an Mgen infection
  • A large US study found an overall prevalanece of 10.3% with higher rates among people aaged 15 to 24 years and in Black participants compared to white participants.
  • Among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM), urethral (5.0%) and rectal (6.2%) Mgen infections are more common than pharyngeal infections (1.0%).

2. Transmission:

  • Mgen spreads through vaginal and anal sex without condoms with an infected person.
  • Researchers are still determining whether sex partner cna spread Mgen through oral sex.
  • People with Mgen can get reinfected.

3. Symptoms:

  • Mgen causes symptomatic and asymptomatic urethritis among men. Symptoms include dysuria, urthral pruritus, and purulen or mucopurulen urethral discharge. 
  • In women, Mgen may cause cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Symptoms associated with Mgen cervicitis include vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, and pelvic discomfort.
  • PID due to Mgen may be present with mild to severe pelvic pain, abdominal pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, and/or bleeding
  • Rectal infections of Mgen are also observed, often asymptomatic but not always