Office Ultrasound Specialist

Healthcare for Women, LLC
OB-GYN located in Oak Park, IL
Under the direction of Dr. Taylor, Healthcare for Women offers patients in the Oak Park area of Chicago, Illinois the convenience of in office ultrasounds. By offering office ultrasounds under one roof it allows Healthcare for Women take care of our patients more efficiently.
Office Ultrasound Q & A
What is an ultrasound used for?
An ultrasound is a machine using high frequency sound waves to create an image of the inside of the body. This is especially helpful for women who are pregnant as it effectively monitors a developing fetus. The technique is used to determine the appropriate due date and how your pregnancy is progressing. It can also help the doctor to diagnose any issues that might develop during pregnancy. Ultrasound can delineate fibroids in the wall of the uterus, in the cavity of the uterus or outside of the uterus. Ultrasound can diagnose ectopic pregnancies in the fallopian tube. Modern ultrasounds can provide detailed 3D and 4D images. Many parents use these to discover the sex of their child. Healthcare for Women offers different types of ultrasound including:
- Pregnancy ultrasound – Vaginal ultrasound can be performed up to 13 weeks. Vaginal ultrasound does not require a full bladder and is quick and easy
- Gynecology ultrasound – Vaginal ultrasound is performed in the office for pain and bleeding. Ultrasound can show ovarian cysts (dermoid cysts, serous cysts, mucinous cysts, endometriomas and follicular cysts.
- Sonohysteroscopy – An ultrasound procedure where sterile saline can be infused in the cavity of the uterus to see polyps, fibroids or congenital anomalies like a uterine septum which causes miscarriages.
What should I expect during an ultrasound?
You should wear loose and comfortable clothing for the ultrasound. You may need to disrobe below the waist and wear a gown for the same. The exam itself is conveniently administered inside the offices at Healthcare for Women. Feel free to ask questions before or during your exam.