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Hepatitis C In Women And Pregnancy

Healthcare for Women, LLC -  - OB-GYN

Healthcare for Women, LLC

OB-GYN located in Near West Suburbs of Chicago, Oak Park, IL

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that primarily affects the liver. It is a part of a group of viruses known as the hepatitis viruses and they all share similarities, but they are caused by different viruses and have different characteristics. 

Hepatitis C (HCV)

  1. Causative agent: Hepatitis C is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) a member of the Flaviviridae family. 
  2. Transmission: The most common mode of transmission for HCV is through exposure to infected blood. This can happen through sharing needles, receiving contaminated blood products or organ transplants, and less commonly through sexual transmission. 
  3. Acute and chronic infection: Similar to Hepatitis B, HCV infection can be acute or chronic. Most people with acute HCV infection do not have symptoms, and the infection often becomes chronic, leading to long-term liver damage.
  4. No vaccine: Unlike hepatitis B, there is no vaccine for hepatitis C. However, antiviral medications are available to treat and, in some cases, cure HCV infection.
  5. Prevention: hepatitis C can be prevented by practicing safe sex and avoiding sharing of needles or personal items that may be contaminated with blood. 

Screening and early detection are crucial for managing and treating hepatitis C effectively.