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Vaginal Prolapse Specialist

Healthcare for Women, LLC -  - OB-GYN

Healthcare for Women, LLC

OB-GYN located in Oak Park, IL

When reproductive health concerns are severe, Healthcare for Women based in Oak-Park, can assist patients in the Chicago, Illinois area who are in need of vaginal prolapse repairs.

Vaginal Prolapse Q & A

What is vaginal prolapse repair?

Organs will prolapse (fall out) when there is damage to the connective tissue causing a loss of support due to gravity or an increase in abdominal pressure with exertion. Symptoms can range from pelvic heaviness or pressure, to subtle discomfort with intercourse, to tissue actually bulging past the vaginal opening.

Why the procedure is performed?

Vaginal prolapse repair is used to repair the sinking of the vaginal wall (prolapse) or bulging that occurs when the bladder or urethra drop into the vagina.

Symptoms of prolapse that you may have include:

  • You may not be able to empty your bladder completely.
  • Your bladder may feel full all the time.
  • You may feel pressure in your vagina.
  • You may have pain when you have sex.
  • You may leak urine when you cough, sneeze, or lift something.
  • You may get bladder infections.

Before doing this surgery, your doctor may have you learn pelvic floor muscle exercises such as the Kegel; use estrogen cream in your vagina; or try a device called a pessary in your vagina to hold up the prolapse.

What should I expect the day of surgery?

On the day of your surgery you will usually be asked not to drink or eat anything for 6 to 12 hours before the surgery. You should avoid any activity that increases your abdominal pressure such as heavy lifting, or constipation. Always tell your doctor or nurse what drugs you are taking, even supplements or herbs you bought without a prescription, as you may need to cease taking them before prolapse repair surgery. This surgery will usually repair the prolapse, and most times symptoms of prolapse will go away. This improvement will often last for years.